I would have like time to browse around the op-shops and go through everyones 'trash' to find lots of old and minature items but time wasn't on my side. I think I did well fumbling across some mini items at home.
In the mix I've got the word Create - of course for Create On Garden
Tools - for hubby
Tech Deck - for my son Alex
Teddy - for daughter Maddi
a Peg - because of all the washing I do (not sure why it says smile)
Coffee pot and Cup - obvious!! Create sells the best coffee.
Pretty Cupcake which doubles as lipgloss - for the girls
White pickett fence to symbolise a happy family
Fork and Spoon - hmmm - we all have to eat
and who doesn't love to scrap with butterflies, flowers and buttons.
Now it's ALMOST done. Think I might put the year on it somewhere and then I can attach the back feet . This was such a fun project to do and in effect is a nice memory of this time in our lives. I'm sure my eyes are now open for minature treasures just begging to be immortalised in my next project.
Bye for now and happy scrapping!!!
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